ES Emini Price Action Trading System
Using MES Micro Futures
Official Website
ES Emini & MES Micro Futures Training and Education AND S&P Trading Group
South of Texas Motor Speedway Thursday, 8:37 a.m.
Welcome to Micros Trader.
This is an
online community of futures traders who scalp the S&P MES/ES futures.

I have no clue how you found this site but this could possibly, maybe, change your life. Trading is HARD. It is! But, we are here to make it simple. Give me ONE month and you will stay in our little group for a lifetime. Trading with a group of professionals with the same goals with the same trading system is delightful and refreshing.
We have an active Discord Group and we Zoom each AM from Market Open to Noon EST charting, trading, and supporting each other.
NOTE:If you don't have a Discord account, you will want to create one. It is kinda like facebook groups, if you have facebook. It is our own little group where we interact, ask questions, post pictures, have contests (like the 20 point club, the 30 point club, ...), post our wins, exchange ideas, grow, share, and help each other.
We are a community of professional traders. So… No crude or rude language, cuss words, nor using the Lord’s name in vain, …… We are professionals who support each other with kindness and professionalism. And, we will measure you against that standard. Violators will be quickly escorted out of the group (
BTW, this has NOT happened yet.)
You will learn a simple system of charting that produces win rates north of 85%. My win rate is about 92%. No kidding.
We have a system so that when… A + B + C happens, we do D. We “see” (map out) our trades well before they happen. It IS simple. We will teach you how and why to draw your levels. That is one reason we have zoom, so you can see MY chart as I mark my levels.
We also teach you risk management, how to stay in a trade, how to stay ‘with the trend”, when to not trade, when to size down, how to understand the price action, why your entry was incorrect (or perfect!), how to take a loss, when to take a loss, how to size properly, how to use large time frame levels with small time frame levels, how to read price action, how to incorporate fair value gaps, how to use market profile to expand your playbook of trades, …. and on and on and on.
This is NOT a system based on indicators. Although… we will use a few hand-selected indicators to give us CONFLUENCE in our levels , thus making the levels MORE powerful.
Basically, we are BOUNCE TRADERS. We are VERY good at knowing (with high certainty) what LEVEL price will BOUNCE. You will play that bounce. We like to capture 2-5 points and leave a runner for those 10-100 point runs that potentially happens nearly 50% of the time.
We don’t… “jump on the train” and enter a trade for no reason. FOMO and HOPE is a reckless approach. We don't do that here. No sir-re-bob. We just do not do that. We need a reason to enter a trade based on price action! You want to lean against something when entering a trade. HOPE is not ‘something’. Hope blows up accounts.
Our system typically produces 2-10 SOLID trades a day. That is plenty!
At the end-of-the-day, I will prompt you to GO BACK to the chart and DRAW ALL the levels you SHOULD have traded that day. This is like “game film” to a coach. This is great practice.
Want to be a great trader? It will depend on the work you do OUTSIDE of trading hours!. The “real work” occurs outside regular trading hours. During most trading hours, you are just sitting there and WAITING and WAITING for the price to come to your level. And, guess what? Some days, there are ZERO trades. No biggie. We will wait!
We typically only trade the AM session. BUT, we do NOT recommend trading every single session, such as the Thursday before Non-Farm Payroll. Knowing when not-to-trade is critical to your success. Knowing which trades to eliminate from your playbook is critical as well. We will teach you when to NOT trade and which trades to avoid. I can not express how valuable that is!
This is NOT a trade ‘call out” service. I am not here to call out MY trades so you can blindly follow. As you should know already, trading has risks and I am not a licensed financial advisor. You can and most likely will lose every dime you you have in your bank account - there I said it. I promise NOTHING about YOUR success. I am not you. I do not know you. YOU are NOT me. I can not control you nor can I control your emotions. Trading is at your OWN risk and should be performed inside a PAPER TRADING ACCOUNT or a prop trading account (my favorite) until you are very successful with high consistency. I hope you appreciate the raw honesty. PLEASE… I beg of you… do NOT risk ANY of your own money to learn how to trade in your OWN account. This is something we will discuss in more detail in the discord group.
LOSSES: Losses WILL occur. Massive losses can occur if you don’t control your emotions. The best advice I can give you on this…. One, do NOT trade with REAL money while learning. Period. End of Story. Use “paper trading” or if you will invest a little money , I recommend using a prop trading firm (I will give you my recommendations on which ones). Two, learn to SIZE properly to avoid being EMOTIONAL when you win or loss. It should be a non-event emotionally speaking, in MY opinion. Trade small. Base hits add up!
Welcome to the group!
P.S. There is a lot of homework. A lot of video work. Sorry, but its true. However… PLEASE NOTE, this IS the EASY BUTTON. It really is. But it requires some up front video work, practicing drawing your level and submitting them to group for review. I offer a one-on-one mentorship if you need the extra help.
Futures Trader